Thursday, May 28, 2009


wohhh.. smalam pnat giles...hehekkk... lek kije jerr trus g photosession... haaa.... photographer trlibat smalam are daus n safril.... daus : seorg yg peramah... even nie 1st time ktorg jumpe tp cam dh knal lame... hahahaaa.... daus seorang yg mesra alammmm... hekhekkk... lokasi : taman tasik cyberjaya... 1st time sha jejalan kat ctu... hahaaa.... walaupon laluan jambatan a.k.a titian tu cam nak roboh.. tp sha n kak rina tetap mengharungi laluan tu gakk.. cehhhh... hahahaa... serammmm... cam nak roboh jerrr.... hekhekk... photosession tu brlarutan smpai kol 10 camtu... hahaaa... patut nye kol 8 dh abeh da... pas tu daus ajak g ronda2 kat presint 2... tup tup.. smbg lek session... hahaaa... sronok gak laa smalam... sha adore kak rina... terer pose.... gmbr dier lawa2 jerr... perghhh... tujuan session nie... saje jerr.. nak mengisi masa lapang... hekhekk... so.. ari nie seh pnat lg... n ngantukkk.... mlm ti lak ade futsal... perghhh... pack aa minggu nie....
japp.... haaaaaa.... cakap pasal roboh2 nie... almari kat bilek sha robohhhh... wuu~... x de almari la sha skunk.. so.. tgh mencarik carik la kedai prabot... plan nak tgk kat ikea... tp blum ade mase lg... huhuuuu... sdeyyyy.... nak gantong bj pon x dpt... erkk... oh yee.... sha gain weight aaaa!!!!!...... gmokkk daaaa...... x sukeeee!!!...

awal awal b4 session.. sronok aa... bley lompat lompat g... hekhekk...

haaaa.. ni meku pnat dahh.. lps session... sha smakin gmokk kn?.. hahaaaaa.......

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

lambat nyeee....

hummm... ari nie sha x dpt nak pk topik yg bez ntok d share.... huu... tp mase ari nie brlalu dgn lmbat nyeee.....ape ekk nak cite ari mie... mmm.. pk jap... jappp... jappp... erkk... x de story aaa.... huhuuuu... so... sha juz bwat cam sha bwat slalu la...
sha seorang yg... : part 3
Steady people desire to keep their environment from changing. They have a consistent work performance. They accommodate others. They get along well with others because they are flexible in their attitude. They may not say anything if they disagree just to keep peace, however they seem to find a way to get what they want. They are moderate and controlled. They are modest. They like to help others, make good counselors and are great listeners. They can speak on an intellectual level and prefer quiet discussions with one or two people. They build close relationships with a small group of friends. They like to maintain familiar and predictable patterns. They are consistent in accomplishing work. If they receive appreciation, they maintain a high level of performance. They may need help when starting a new project. They like to feel comfortable with anything new before actually starting it. They enjoy something in writing so they can refer to it. They ask, they don't tell. They want answers to their "HOW" and "WHEN" questions.
you tend to go with the flow and alot of ppl admire about that, u easily make friends and can keep them without discomfort. your very loyal and honest and if something doesnt suit you, you get over it easily. Laid back is the way you like to live!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

makan freeeeee.....

haaa.... hari nie sha mkn free kat ofis.... hekhekkk... ada perhimpunan a.k.a jamuan brsempena ngan bday bosh besowww kitorang... hahahhh... cedapppppp.... nasik tomato.. lauk ayam merah... n rendang daging... acar... kuah dhal... kuih muih... n buah... nyummmm..... eppy bday la kepado bosh besowwwwww..... hekhekkkk....

la la la la laaa... kerjaaaaa... kerrrjaaaaaaa.....

wohhh.... mood hari nie : mellow.... huuuu.... emmm... maybe coz of wat happen smalam kot.... humm.. n also i've found out sumthin... so... it all make sense now.... byk benda yg sha dpt tau smalam... n few days back... haaaa.... hukhukkk.... but am strong... uohhhhh.... ari nie... ok lah kot.. pagi yg ok... so far sume ok jerhhh... rase nak g shopping jerkkk.... hekhekkk... smalam sha explore fon sha... rase cam susah jerr nak gune... blum g menyesuaikn diri kot... huhuuu... cant wait for photosession bsok....photosession bersama daus... hekhekkk... ummm...
so.. topik yg sha nak share ari nie is.... kerjaaaa..... kerjaaa... haaa... nape kt nak kije?.... dari kecik kt blajo sbb nak dpt kije bgs bile bsr ti... abeh skolah rendah msok skolah menengah... abeh skolah menengah smbg universiti... dgn tujuan yg same.. so kt dpt kije yg bez n gaji besowww... skunk dah beso... dah kije... lepas tu?... kawennnn... hekhekkk... haaa... kn? kn?... blaja.. kije... kawennnn....hekhek.. ok ok... back to topic... hahhaaa... kije... kije ni... humm.. kite kije ntok carik dwit... ntok mkn hari hari n ntok jd kaya raya!!!.... hahaaaa... tp kije kuat2 pon x jugak kaya... nape ekk?... ade mcm2 jenis kije kat dunia nie... sume bende adelah kije... jd model... org amek gmbr... tukang sapu.. driver... kerani.. bos... dan mcm2 lagi lahhh... seelok nye kt pileh kije yg kt minat... so, bile kije kt x stress... coz kt mmg minat n enjoyy wat kije tu... kire cam mmg passion laaa... tp.. bg yg kije coz of 'trpaksa'... haaa.... ini akan menjadik kn stress... trpaksa lam maksud sha is... mcm... dier suke bende len, tp kije wat bende len.... so bende yg die suke tu trpakse la jd hobi jerhhhh... hahahhhh....... kije stress stress ni x bez... lg bez klau enjoy2 kan diri time kije... cam ne?.. carik la ofismate yg happeninggg... cam yg sha dpt... hekhek... dorang ni sume happening gilersss.. trmasok ngan bos bos skali.. kahkahhh...unit kitorang unit yg pnoh ngan gelak tawa... tp klau dh time sume der kije... sume sibuk... sunyi sepi laa unit kitorang nihhh...... haa... n care len g... bwat la tmpt kije n tmpt dudok korang tu as comfortable as possible... bior x rase nak balek umahhh... hekhekkk... sha pon tgh nak wat tmpt dudok sha jadik lebeh comfortable.... hekhekkk... so enjoy enjoy la kije tu yekkk...

Monday, May 25, 2009

genting funnn!!!...

hello?.. hello?... haa.... wikend lepas sha g genting ngan member... n kurai of cozz... it was soooo much funnnn!!!... hekhekkk... best sesgt... dpt lepak2 ngan member... walaupon memenat kn... tp mmg bezz aaa.... brape kali ckp bezz daaa.. hahahhh... ni seh lagi nak pose kat pondok talipon... hekhekkk... sha n kuraie.....nak amek view gentingggg... hekhekkk... skunk dh x sjuk sgt da genting... sjuk lagi ofis sha.. hahahh...
jumpe jalaludin hassan jalan sesorg... nape tah dier jejln sorg ekk?... heran gak sha... sha n aziz...

haaa..... cawan pusing pusing ribenaaaaa..... hekhekkk... peninggg naik nieee.... tp bezzz..... hekhekkk...

haaa... alkesah nye plak.. smalan sha bli fon.... s.e w980... ok lah kottt... huuuu... tgh nak xplore nih... 1st time gune s.e... huuuu... so sha kne explore bebetoi dlu.... hekhekkk....

Friday, May 22, 2009


huuu... ari nie hari jumaat.... bsok sabtuu... g gentingggg!!!.... yeayyyy!!!.... perghhh... sha really need a vacation.... hekhek... nak mghilangkn sume stress yg di presss dlm kepale sha... hahahh... kat ofis x de ape sgt jadik ari nie... juz sha x sabo nak balekkk... nak tdooo.... huhuuu... next week sha ader photosession... hekhekk... cant wait!!!..... currently, tgh pk biler nak g bli fon nih... huhuuu.... and.. a bit bout love... wat do u get for falling in love?... tears?... pain?.. do love even exist?... for sha... i hv me, myself n i... so.. dun even botherrrr.... haaaaaaa....
well... ne way... arinie... nak share psl.... dengki..... haaa.... ape itu dengki?.... korang pnah rase dengki x?... mesti pnah kannn... so, x pyh le xplain bebyk... huhuuu... dengki ni.. lebeh kurang mcm jelesss aaa.... jelsss... jelesss... cemburuuuuu... aaa.... hekhekk... cemburu nie... kdg2 elok... kdg2 x elok... depends ngan keadaan... kalo nak jeles menjeles ni.. biar brpada ckett... kalo smpai dh menyusahkan org len... perghhhh... hanginnnnnn.... x elokkk.... jeles yg ok.. is jeles cam... contoh lam study laa... jeles tgk member slalu dpt pointer tinggi... haa... jeles mcm ni bleh mendorong ntok bwat kt study lebeh rajin lg... ini contoh yg elokkk... contoh yg x elok... cam... si wife ni.. jeles tgk jiran sbelah bli kete baru... soh si wife ni pon soh husband dier bli sbijik gak... haa... kan dh menyusahkan laki dierr... x elokkkkk.... dengki ni sbenonye ade byk version... hari2 kt bleh tgk.... kat skolah.. kat kolejjj.. kat ofis... kat memane je lahhh.... huuuu....
dengkiii... hummm....
klau org dengki kat kt?... nak wat pe?..
nak marah?...
or abaikan n move on dgn life kt?...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

aku ade hal jappp....

hummm... mesti korang penah dgr kn ayat nie?... yerr... yerr... digunakan hampir hari2... huuu... ayat ni byk digunakan sebagai excuse ntok melarikan diri dr sumthin.. atau org tu mmg bebetol ader hal... huhuuuu.. or dier x nak xplain aper yg dier bwat or dah bwat... hekhekk... kekadang, skit ati dgr org ckp ayat nie... ye laa.. biler dh selalu sgt... smpai nak tau sgt ape ke halll nyerr kn... cket cket..
"japp, aku ade hal.."
"weihh... aku ader hal japp.. pas nie continue... "
"td ader hal japp.. tu la pasal.. "
hmmm....persoalan nyerr kdg2, nak percaye tak dier ader hall sbenonyeee... hekhekk.... :P huuuu..
so abit bout 2day... hari nie... kat ofis, sejukkkkkkkkkk.... hekhek.... n... sha dpt coklat lagiii!!.... dlm version cupcake lak ari nie... hekhek... choc cupcake... thanxxx kak ainnn... coz sha dpt 2... hekhek... cedap... tp, x ckop 1... huhuu... 1 x cukop... 3 byk sgt... 2 sdg2... hekhekkk.... minggu nie minggu coklatttttt... nyummmm......

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

people come n go...

yerr... org dtg dan pergiii... mcm.. kehidupan dan kematian... or mcm.. kt dtg satu tmpt den kt balekk... huhu... sha juz nak share... people come n go... terjadi lam kehidupan seharian kt.. cam... kt knal org baru.. tp x kan jadi knalan slamenyerr... maksud sha... cam ner nak xplain ekk.. huu.. susah le pulak... kt knal org tu... pastu kt x jumpe dier lagi... haaa.. cam tu aaa... kire cam lost cntc la... hekhekk... kire come n go in life gak la kannn... huhuuu.. tp elok gak kt knal org baru... coz kt akan dpt pengalaman baru... even perkenalan tu x lame... but its worth... kn?.. kt knal org baru... kt bleyy tau bende baruu... dr ctu gakk kt blaja bende baruuu... huhuuu.... bley gak dpt cntc baruu... hekhek... but den... x sume org baru yg kt knal tu akan stay dlm life kt.... kdg2 kejap jerr.... tp ader yg brtahan... dr kenalan.. jadik member... pastu... jadik bestie... hekhek... yg menarik nyerr.. ade gak yg kawen pastu.... huhuuu... haaa... byk advantage jumpe or knal org baru nihh.. dlm bizness lagi laa.... perlu sgt knal org baru... huhuu... snang dpt cntc... hekhekk... ape2 pon... nak knal org pon kne carefull gak... takot karang kne tipoooooo... haaa... sape nak tlg?... kne pandai laaa... tgk2 gak.... tp, bg yg daringgg... x kire... nak jugak knal ngan sesape yg dier nak... sape tu?... haaaaaaaa... x tau. hekhekk... so, enjoyy meetin new people!!!....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


wohhh... 2 ari nie sejukkk gilesss kat ofisss.... bekuuu... huhuuu... arie nie pepagi lg sha dh mkn coklatt... kak umie bagiiii... syokkk!!!... hug n kisses dr kak umie... n toblerone n daim gakkk... thanxxx kak umieee... n td kak erina bg biskut coklattt.. hekhekk... coklat n moreee coklattt!!!... sha sukeee!!!... huhuuu... smalam, sha x de wat ape sgt... balik kije bace novel jerr.. x habeh2 g novel baby proof tuh... byk gangguan... hekhekk...ari nie.. abeh kije nak g alamanda.. nak bli sweater yg sha tgk ari tuh... hrp2 ader g saiz... huhuuu....x sabooo nak abih kije nihhh... im looking foward to dis wikend... nak g gentingggg!!!... yeayy!!!... bezz nyerrr... hekhekkk....windu kat kucing shaaa.... wuu~....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

art is hard...

art is hard..
a muvieee must see by amok films...
smalam, sha g tgk muvieee... citer sell out nie... citer nie... mmg bez.. tp sha hairan.. naper x dpt sambutan... huhuu... coz smalam, yg kat lam hall tu juz ader 5 org jerr yg tgk... sha hairan le sesangat... citer ni dpt di terima kat oversea.. tp x kat malaysia... byk menang award dh pon... huhuu... may be jln citer ni slow kot.. tp, byk msg yg disampaikan... citer ni mmg btol2 realiti org malaysia... lucu... sedih... lots of emotions goin on in dis film... tp, rase nyerr... kalu org tu x concerntrate or x berperasaan tgk citer ni.. mmg x kn faham storyline citer nih... serious sha ckp... muvie ni mmg bezz... support la artist2 malaysia!!... support la muvie2 malaysia!!...

Friday, May 15, 2009

hari yg indahhh..

okes... hari nie hari yg amat interesting.. n indah... pepagi lagi dh ader yg teman sha... huhuu.... saper?.. member lam fb la... bebaru nie sha add byk member baru lam fb.. saje nak meluaskan connection n menambah member... bez knal2 org baru nih... so interesting.. huhuuu... humm.. dh beberapa minggu sha x de appetite nak mkn... klau mkn pon sekadar nak memenohkn perut yg menyanyi2 nie.. hehehhh... nak kasi dier senyapp cket.. hahahh.. skrang nie sha juz dpt mkn biskut crakers cicah milo pnssss... hahahh... sedap weihh... huu... smalam, g men futsal kat bangi... memule mls je rase nak g... penatt... tp, what da heck kn?.. x de wat pe pon kat umah... well.. it was funnn!!!.. ramai yg dtg kali nie... huuu.. mlm plak.. its a pain heelin... got back wat ive lost.. ok la... huuu... ari nie sha baru jerr confirmkn 1 photoshoot... thanx ngan kak arina coz kenalkn photographer nihh... atiqah... atiqah ckp nak bwat ala2 pre-wedding shoot... hekhek... skali ngan wadrobe n make up.. bile?.. itu yg x konfem g... tp yg sure lam bln julai... huu.. x sbr... sha suke amek2 gmbr nih... ntok simpanan... saje jerr knn... hehehh... salah satu cara sha mghilangkan stress... org len g vacation, sha g photo session.. hahahhh... ari ni jumaat... minggu nie.. ok lah... peacefull... the pain is heelin bit by bit... ok lah kn... but still...huu... but juz now.. i juz got another pain... arghhh... hate dat... ritess... sha nak g mkn biskut krakers cicah milo pnsssss!!!.....
my horoskop
It's wise to try something new, especially with a person you want to know better.
Your amazing, creative energy is perfect for tackling new projects or impressing new people. You've got your usual social grace combined with a sense of fun that just can't be denied!
It's never a bad idea to try something new, especially if you are trying something new with a person you want to get to know better! Exploration is a great way to show someone what makes you tick, and it's your chance to see how they act under pressure. The two of you will have a blast on any adventure because your strengths and weaknesses complement the other. They fit into your plans just like the perfect puzzle piece. Whatever you start today will be successful.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

me myself n i

I cant believe I believed
Everything we had would last
So young and naïve for me to think
She was from your past
Silly of me to dream of
One day having your kids
Love is so blind
It feels right when its wrong

I cant believe I fell for four years
Im smarter than that
So dumb and naïve to believe that with me
Youre a change man
Foolish of me to compete
When you cheat with loose women
It took me some time but now ive moved on

Coz I realized ive got
Me, myself and I
That’s all I got in the end
That’s what I found out
And it aint no need to cry
I took a vow that from now on
I’ma be my own best friend

Me, myself and I
That’s all I got in the end
That’s what I found out
And it aint no need to cry
I took a vow that from now on
I’ma be my own best friend

Your so controlling, you say that u love me
But u don’t
Your family told me one day
I would see it on my own
Next thing I know I’m dealing
With ur 3 kids in my home
Love is so blind it feels right when its wrong

Now that its over
Stop calling me
Come pick up yo clothes
No need to front like ya still wif me
All your homies know
Even your very best friend
Tried to warn me on the low
It took me some time
But now im strong

I got me, myself and I
Must have cried a thousand times
I cant regret time spent with u
But I lucked out to make it though

moving foward....

Pain you experienced recently is fading. Keep moving and leave the past behind.
Someone from your past is checking back in with you over some shared experience or memory. It may not be through normal channels, so open yourself up to alternatives as much as you can.
Next time you're frustrated because you can't find something, try to remember that sometimes being forgetful can be a blessing! The same brain that makes you lose your keys or forget your ATM password is the same brain that erases hurtful episodes from your life. The pain you experienced in your life recently is fading slowly, and each day you feel it less than the previous day's pain. So keep moving forward and leave the past behind.
#ritesss~..... humm.. moving forward.. yupp.. im movin on... #
*horoskop ari nie...*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

what is love?..

cinta.. sume org pnah jatuh cinta kn?... tp x semestinya cinta pd kekasih.. or pd husband or wife... pd sha... cinta... cinta pd allah.. cinta pd rasulallah... cinta pd parents... cinta pd family... cinta tu lebih kurang cam syg gak la... tp syg n cinta nie len.. tp x le len sgt.. huhuu... ok.. nie definition of love yg sha dpt dr wikipedia..
Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my boyfriend"). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.
As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep,
ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts

From a scientifically testable frame of reference, love is a type of interpersonal relationship where mutual assumption of good faith results in a state of emergence, i.e. constituents individually perceive the group's social evolution as both beneficial and greater than what could be achieved by the sum of the relationship's parts.
Biological sciences such as evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology and neuroscience have begun to explore the nature and function of love. Specific chemical substances such as oxytocin are studied in the context of their roles in producing human experiences and behaviors that are associated with love.

ini baru jerr dr beberapa perspektif... nak tau lbeh lanjut lg?.. korang carik le sendiri kat wikipedia.. hehehh...

sha seorang yg.. : continue lagiii.....

(Research by Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah)
* Suka berbual. * Suka orang yang sayang padanya. * Suka ambil jalan tengah. * Sangat menawan & sopan santun. * Kecantikan luar & dalam. * Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura. * Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan. * Sentiasa berkawan. * Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama. * Cepat marah. * Macam pentingkan diri sendiri. * Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta. * Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri. * Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain. * Emosi yang mudah terusik. * Suka berangan & pandai bercakap. * Emosi yang kelam kabut. * Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan). * Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni. * Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut. * Romantik dalam percintaan. * Mudah terusik hati & cemburu. * Ambil berat tentang orang lain. * Suka kegiatan luar. * orang yang adil. * Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran. * Mudah patah semangat
#suratan.... atau kebetulan?.... huhuuuu...#


aku benganggggg!!!!.... bengang sesangat. tu je. dh.


okes... gather2 nie ari ahad lepas... kat ikano, damansara... so, nie la gambo2 kitorang.. baru je dpt dr joe... enjoyyy!!!....
sha n kurai.. shopping n jejelan dlu b4 makannnn.... huhuuu...

makan.. makan... creamy mushroom... penat giles nak habiskan.. huu...nie la sume muke yg dtg ari tu.. dr kiri ariff, mawi,willa, kurai n sha... joe x nampak.. dier yg amek gambar nie.. huu...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

dan sebenarnya...

oh bulan
jangan layan diriku lagi
air mata membasahi pipi
dan lagu2 di radio seolah2 memerli aku
kau bersama yg lain
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku
ku enggan
berpura pura ku bahagia
ku enggan
melihat kau bersama si dia
oh ku akui cemburu
telah menular dalam diri
kau bersama yang lain
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku
pabila kau merenung matanya
ku rebah,
jatuh ke bumi
di saat kau benar-benar mahu pergi
seperti ku bernafas dalam air
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu kau juga merindui aku

another sign?... humm...

daily overview
When the going gets rough today, just reach out to your friends -- that's what they are there for! While they might not be able to fix your problems, they can at least figure out a way to put a smile on your face. You've been in a bit of a depressed phase, but that isn't necessarily anything to worry about. Everyone goes through blue periods, and it's part of life. You need to feel whatever you're feeling and work your way through emotions -- even if they are negative.
*horoskop ari nie... nape la sume nie berkaitan sesangat.. ishkk...*
weekly overview
Making progress with ongoing stuff -- personal, work or other -- is a snap early in the week. Use your spare time to explore more abstract ideas and bigger visions for the future. Around Wednesday or Thursday, though, you might find yourself stuck on something or someone from the past. Take off any rose-colored glasses, or find a way to process and let go of darker feelings. When the weekend comes, you'll want to be ready to receive the gifts that the present brings. Feel your interconnection with others and the world. It's a beautiful thing!
*stuck wif sumone from the past?.. who would it be?... humm...*
monthly overview
You are in a decidedly social mood on the 1st. Why not indulge all your warm and fuzzy super-friendly impulses and make plans to meet up with as many of your favorite people as possible? Twenty-four hours are a pretty long time, you know -- and you can squeeze a lot of fun into them! The 5th and 6th are two stupendous days, when love, flirtation, affection and some pretty thrilling romance all find their way into your life. Be sure to notice what an excellent time you're having! Put out any and all ideas as they occur to you on the 10th and 11th, because you'll find you get excellent, highly communicative responses. You could find out a whole lot! Be sure to get all of your ho-hum tasks out of the way early in the day on the 15th and 16th, because your afternoons are going to be action-packed and exciting! There's a lot of activity, both at work and after-hours, that could lead to some serious (and very positive) upheavals in your life. You want to be ready for them! Throw caution to the wind and plunge into a new friendship or romance on the 21st. Don't let a traffic delay upset you too much on the 26th. Take a little time off and a nap on the 30th.
*wish all of dis is true.. but i did went out wif my fave people last wikend..*
my feelings currently : T_T

Monday, May 11, 2009

sign?.. humm...

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The Bottom Line
Never close yourself off to the idea that people can change. Give them a chance.
You may have already made up your mind about a certain person, but why not consider changing your opinion today? You should never close yourself off to the possibility that people can change, because they can. You have, haven't you? So set aside any negative feelings and make the best of the situation by thinking the best about this person. Life is too short to be judgmental about others. Give them the benefit of the doubt and you'll be rewarded.
horoskop sha ari nie.. hummmm...

my wikend... its funn!!!...

so... last wikend was funn!!!.. even plan2 yg sha dh plan.. hehehh... x menjadik.. tp, yg jadik nyerr sume yg x dirancang... ok... saturday morning, goin straight to kl... jumpa willa n kurai... kitorang lepak2 kat sentral then g time square mkn steamboat... n celebrate bday bestie sha, quraishah... happy birthday kuraiiii!!... later dat nite tanpa di plan... sha g tengok af7.. hahahh!!... x de kije len dh... hahahhh... sha g ngan kurai n bekas lecturer kitorang, ms fatimah... ms fatimah ade satu tiket extra.. so, sha diheret g tengok sesame.. tp x pe lah gak.. coz mlm tu sha x der plan len.. so, sha ikutt jerr... sampai jerr bukit jalil, kitorang g stadium putra... biler dh kat situ, baru sha sedar yg sha x tau ape2 pasal af nie... sha x tau lansong name2 plajar yg masok af, sape pengetua, ape yg dh jadik... trkapai2 la sha kat situ... sha tanye kat ms fatimah dier sokong sape... dier ckp sokong hafiz.. coz hafiz tu kaum kerabat dier gak.. so, sha sokong la hafiz... x sia2 gak sokong hafiz nih... coz suare dier mantap giless!!!.. lagu ke-2 yg dier bwk, i beive i can fly, sha hampir percaye yg sha bleh fly time dier nyayi lagu tuh.. power sehhh!!!... dier pon pat msok final next week... ader gak pengalaman tgk af live.. huhuu... dewan tmpt dorang bwat af nie kn, kecik jerr sbenonyee.. tp, biler masok yv, nampak luasss... camne ntah dorang bwat... huhuu.. pastu, smalam plak.. sha terserempak ngan awal kat klcc... pelakon mlayu tu.. sha x knal sgt... tp... awal nie biler tgk live, perghhh!!!... gorgeous!!!!... hansem... kacak... sume lhhh.. huhuuu.. ptg lak sha gather2 ngan member kolej... yg dtg ari tu x ramai.. kitorang 6 org jerr... sha, mawi, qurai, willa, joe n ariff... kitorang jumpe kat kl sentral.. then, g dinner kat vivo, ikano.. bezz nyerr... rindu sesangat kat dorang sume.. biler dpt jumpe, rase x nak balik jerr... huhuu.. dan yg paling penting.. at last ariff menunaikan promise yg telah sha tunggu lebih kurang 3 thn... cheese cake!!!... thanxx arifff.!!... cam tu laa.... menepati janji... caaayangg ariff!!!.. hahah.. n lastly... ari nie... sha cuti... ari nie sha bli 3 novel baru... the gift bag chronicles, girl (maladjusted), and home away from home... huhuuu... so, currently, sha dh kat putrajay ablek... n feelin sooo damn tired... mane ak.. sampai2 je umah trus bwat housework.. skrang nie sha nak relaxxx...
af7... sha g tengok... sesaje... nak mghabiskn mase trluang... huhuuu...
penyokong hafizz.. sha pon ikut sokong same.. huhuuu... trexpose gak dh muke sha... wuu... ms fatimah n me...wif kuraiieee... my bestie...

af7 nyerr stage.. sha n kuraiee...

what is trust...

Trust.. dalam cinta mesti ade trust.. dalam persahabatan perlu ader trust… in other words, trust is needed in any kind of relationship… btol kan?.. ok.. contoh.. kalau korang g hantar krete kat bengkel, korang pon mesti trust kat mekanik tu kn?... korang akan percaye yg lepas korang hantar krete kat bengkel dier, krete korang dh ok… dh bleh pakai… x de problem.. kn?.. kn?.. haa…. Tapi, kekadang susah nak percaya kat org… lebeh2 lagi kalau org tu dah pnah menipu… mesti korang akan rase serik… nak percaye pon, may be x spenoh nyerr… peluang ke-2?.. ape korang akan bagi peluang ke-2?.. humm.. kalau sha… depends on keadaan… contoh.. kalau dalam friendship, buleh kot… coz kekadang, ade sbb yang x dpt dielakkan.. tp, depend gak laa… buleh caye.. tp. Jgn terlalu cpt n jgn terlalu mudah ntok percaye… n.. kalau cinta.. itu payah cket.. biase nyerr.. klau dlm bab2 cintan2 nih.. akan ditipu kaw kaw nyerr lah.. sampai korang rase benci sesangat kat org yang menipu tu… so, next time jgn la percaya kat org tu lagi… hehehhh.. kalau dier ckp ape2 pon, bwat msok teliga kanan kluwa telinga kiri.. hahahh… kejam… kejam.. ones a cheater always a cheater. Pnah dgr tak?.. haa… kekadang, kite kene gak protect kite sendiri… kite x bleh le nak jage prasaan org sgt… sumone pnah bagitau sha… love urself… yerr… kite perlu syg diri sendiri.. baru bleh syg kat org len… cam tu gak ntok trust… kite kene trust diri sendiri.. baru bleh trust org len… ask urself.. patut x percaye kat org tu?.. kalau korang trust diri korang ntok trust org tu, so don’t doubt it.. juz go for it… percaye la dier… tapi, still… depends ngan keadaan… nanti diri sendiri yang kecewa… x patuttt!!…

Friday, May 8, 2009

ur not mine...

Kau bukan milikku, dah ku tahu segalanya…
Namun hati ini dah terukir namamu…
Mana mungkin aku mampu hapuskan
Ukiran namamu dihatiku…
Pedihnya sekadar menjadi penyinta bisu,
Lebih pedih bila tahu kau milik seseorang…
Aku tak mampu lakukan apa-apa…
Hatimu tak mungkin dapat kutakluki…
Aku sedar hati aku milikmu….
Tapi hatimu miliknya…
Jangan hantui hidupku lagi dengan
Bayanganmu…kerna hatiku luluh…
Jangan muncul dalam kotak ingatanku…
Walaupun hidupku bakal bergelap tanpa dirimu…
Tapi biarlah…
Daripada aku terus berendam air mata…
Sesuatu yang bukan milikku…
Takkan pernah jadi milikku…
Maafkan aku kerana terlalu menyayangi insan
Maafkan aku kerana terlalu mengimpikan
Dirimu jadi milikku…
Moga kau bahagia bersamanya…
*sumthin yg sha jumpe.. enjoyy...*

truly... badly.. deeply...

humm...well... ari nie was smooth... baik sesangat.. x sbr nak tunggu bsok.. wikendd!!!... bez nyerr... smalam, ayah tasha dtg.. hantar brg yg tasha pesan... sori la x de pix... tunggu tasha bli fon dlu ekk... ^_^ huhuuu... smalam x sempat nak hybernate... so, disambung ptg nie... last day of hybernation... to.. think... hehehh... humm... nothin much happen 2day... so nothin much to tell... juz... last nite... my illusions try to come back to me... but.. i think better i juz ignore it... i dun want to be hurt anymore... n to realize dat the next day, i woke up.. n damn!! im in reality... so... lets search for another illusions... maybe the next illusions promises happiness.. or should i stay in reality?.. huuu... forget bout dat already!!!.. no more illusions!!... brighten up sha!!!... ur gonna have fun dis wikend.. yess.. yesss.. dats da spirit!!... huu.. umm... my blog really like a diary huh... huu.. let it be... may be it should be like dat... yerr... my blog = my diary... ye.. ye.. dis is my everyday life... so.. hope u guys enjoyy readin it..

tasha seorang yg... : continued

Being born on the 21st day of the month is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you to bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs.Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, Joseph Stalin were born under the number 3.
more!!... more!!.. huhuuu... loveee those quizes...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

tasha seorang yg....

Ciri-ciri individu kelahiran 21
+Seorang yang suka bekerja keras, memiliki nafsu yang tinggi dalam usaha mencapai cita-citanya.
+ Seorang yang mudah tersinggung.
+Namun, seorang yang jujur dan tabah dalam menghadapi persoalan.
+ Dalam soal cinta, sangat setia dan mudah disenangi.
+ Seseorang yg kuat cemburu.
+ Kalau baik dia sangat baik dan kalau jahat dia merupakan orang yang paling jahat
Pendamai. Dilahirkan sebagai diplomat.Mereka selalu memikirkan dan peka terhadap keperluan dan perasaan orang lain sebelum mengambil kira dirinya sendiri.Secara semulajadi sangat analitikal dan suka mengikut gerak hati.Mereka tidak suka bersendirian. Persahabatan adalah penting buat mereka dan berupaya mendorong mereka untuk berjaya di dalam hidup, tetapi mereka sanggup untuk bersendirian jika hubungan yang terjalin itu tidak serasi.Golongan ini secara semulajadi adalah pemalu, mereka patut belajar untuk meningkatkan nilai kendiri (self esteem) dan meluahkan perasaan secara terbuka tanpa berselindung.
ini.. x le btol sgt.. tp ader gak yg btol... huu... sume nie dr kuiz yg dibuat dr facebook... enjoyyy...

its gettin better.. n better...

cuti.. dh diluluskan!!.. yeszz.. so monday nie tasha cutii!!!.. huhuuu... no monday blues next wikend.. yeszz!!.. yeszz!!!... so, skrang nie tasha feel calm dh... lepas 2 hari hybernate lam bilik... ptg nie last day tasha bwat cenggitu... tp x sure dpt x... coz nak jumpe ayah ptg ti.. klau x sempat, ptg bsok je la kot.. best gak memerap lam bilek nih... ader gak time nak bace novel.. huhuuu... so far, ari nie ok jerr... tasha sempat nak customize blog nie.. huuu... thanx atas tunjok ajar kak umie n kak ain.. n x lupe gak kak erina... hehehh... wikend nie... tasha seh nak plan g... ntah ape akan jadik nanti... nak bli phone ke minggu nie aa?.. or g survey2 dlu?... humm... coz tasha x tau nak bli phone ape... korang ader suggestion x?..

im movin on...

huu... so.. im movin on... its great though... hari nie ayah tasha dtg cni.. nak hantar brg2 yg tasha pesan kat dier... humm... i think dis wikend plan tasha ade cket trganggu... so tasha kene re-plan balek... brg yg mummy tasha pesan ponx beli lagi nih.. huarghh!!!... alot of shoppin to do dis wikend... excited gak... tp pasti akan memenatkan... gathering bebudak kolej ktorang tunda hari ahad... ntok bebudak kolej yg berada brdekatan area nie kl.. x sbr nak jumpe dorang sume... huhuuuu... oh ye... tasha nak ucapkn takziah kpd besti tasha, syapiq... di atas pemergian ayahanda yg trsyg... innalillahh.... syapiq ckp ayah dier meninggal coz of lung cancer... so, sesape yg smoking tu, bawak2 le brenti ekk... x elok... huu... fiy, syapiq nie bestie tasha kat kolej... mlekat aa ktorang... ada kurai, fad, izri, coeq... dorang la yg rajin bwk tasha jejalan dlu... pantang tgk tasha free kat umah.. dorang mesti tunggu dpn umah nak ajak kluwa... huhuu... tp skrang... ktorang sume dh jaoh dh... x dpt nak lepak2 cenggitu lg... tunggu tasha balek hometown laa... hehehh... hope ari nie berjalan lancar lg... smalam, alhamdulillah... sume ok.. huhuuu... im movin on.. movin on...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

life has to go on...

life has to go on... eventhough its suxx!!!... humm.. so far, da day has been ok... byk yg tasha dpt tau ari nie... sumthin yang di rahsiakn akhirnya trbongkar... huhuuu... kan btol kate org... sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, last2 jatoh gak... hehehh... bukan rahsia tasha yg exposed... rahsia org... dan kak ain tau sape.. hehehh... ape la nak jadik ngan tasha nie... ingat nak fun2 jerr... skali... haa!!!... ari nie seems ok... pas nie balek, nak hybernate lagi.. memerap diri dlm bilik... dgr lagu.. humm... lots of thinking to do... huhuuu... wikend ni nak g padini la... ader lagi voucher yg tasha x gunekn... brshopping la wikend ni... hehehhh.. nak survey hp gak... n.. ape lg ekk... papa... haa... papa is... org... sumone... huhuuuu.... x yahh citerr la... may be next time ekk... ^_^

illusions... please come back....

Illusions.. they’re really beautiful isn’t it?... everything seems rite… but then… u’ll have to come back to reality.. I have to admit dat im gonna miss da time of my illusions…. But… tasha kene pandang depan… biar ape yg trjadi sbelum nie menjadi pengajaran ntok mase dpan… people learn from mistake… n nobody is perfect… okeyhhhhhh… so, smalam balek kije jerr tasha calm myself… dok dlm bilik.. dgr lagu… thingking… wat did I do wrong?... ape slh tasha?... nape jadi mcm nie…tasha ingat life tasha akan brubah bile smpai kat tempat baru… tp… cam same jerrr… tot wanna keep it low… but.. arghh!!!... my life starts to sux again.. I need a change… well, dats wat I did before… whenever ive screwed up, I will make changes to myself.. personality.. da way I think… anything… as long as there is a change in me… I like to meet new peoples… recently ive met some… since im movin into a new place… duhh.. huhuu… bout yesterday, my officemate was really supportive… im really thanxfull ive met them really… thanx guys!!!.. love u guys n girls sooo much!!!... huhuu.. so, I have to plan ahead for my wikends.. my parents is coming to town… so, better keep them busy busy!!... huuu… last nite Ive start reading baby proof… it was fun… bout how a girl named Claudia, dat really dun wanna hv kids searching for men in common interest… of not having baby.. hehehhh.. she had a hard time finding one till she met Ben, an architect.. stakat ni tasha baru jerr bace till dorang get married.. living a happy life..n… haa!!!... ben tetibe nak baby pulak… ben tringin nak ade baby lepas tgk bestie dier, annie pregnant…. Huhuuu… menarik citer nih… nanti tasha update lagi kesudahan nyerr ekk… hehehhh.. hope hari nie akan berlalu dgn baik.. I really hope so… its already been tuff…humm… illusions… I really miss it…

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ive screwed up!! : continued....

ok... it was.... ok kott... lebih detail... ok... hmm... dier x garang... tp, tegas... nada percakapan, ok... juz cara percakapan.. perghh!!!!... berbisa..... huhuu... dier soh tasha careful cket next time kalo nak email mengemail nih.. ayat.. jgn rude... tasha eran la... rude ke?... ntah... sesaje je dier kott... hmm... pastu dier nak tau ape tujuan tasha hantar email tu.. duhhh!!!!.. dh mmg tugas kitorang hantar report tetiap minggu... arghh!!.. so, dlm dier tgh meng'lecture' tasha td, tasha trfikir la plak.. klau dier ckp camtu, ape la maksud nyer kitorang brsusah pyh nak siapkn report n hantar kat dorang... hummm... aneh bukan?.. hahahhhh... aahhhh!!!.. biar laa.. dh lepas dh pon... dis really was da worst week everrr!!!.....

ive screwed up!!

arghh!!... okes... pas nie tasha kne g jumpe big boss coz ive screwed up wif my work... arghh!!... sure la kne marah nie... but, wat to do... tasha kne tenang mghadapi bende nih... ini la asam garam kije kn?... so, jadikn sebagai pengajaran dan pembelajaran... actually kn, tasha x rase takut pun nak jumpe big boss sat g... cume, rase curious cket... kenape baru skarang nak prasan?.... humm... tp, tasha nak think positive... bkn sume org dpt jumpe big boss kn?.. ^_^ so, tasha nak amek pluang nie ntok jumpe big boss... at least la pnah gak brjumpe... huhuuu... nanti tasha update lg ape yg jadik time jumpe big boss ekk... susah jugak kije nie rupenyerr.. best lagi jadik cleaner... hahahhh... or, jadik suri rumah.. tp elok gak brkerjaya nie... bru jadik org bawahan dh cenggini... camne plak le jadik boss... mesti lagi perit kne... erkk!!... huu... lpas nie mesti aa kne cop muke tasha kat ofis nie... do cop oleh big boss, dan rerakan ofis.. huu.. dh le budak baru... dh bwat hal ngan big boss... nak wat camne... dh nasib... dr dlu lg dh cenggini... bleh d kate immune dh la... sentiase kne nasib mlg... hahahh... dugaan... dan cobaan dr tuhan... nak tgk kite tabah ke x... so, tunggu le penghabisan episod nie... ape akan jadi ngan kerjaya tasha.. ape akan jadik ngan kije tasha... ape akan jadik tasha sendiri... skali kne bwang kije... x dpt konfem.. siott!!!... or paling2 pon kne tindakan tatatertib kott... arghh!!!... biar la... tuhan tau ape yg trbaik ntok aku... sume ni, ade hikmah...

me, myself n i...

Yeah.. dats rite… me, me n me… love no one but urself…coz u neo ur never gonna hurt urself kn?... its been like a roller-coaster ride... so, reality check!!!... from now on, tasha gonna have some f.u.n baby!!!... yeah… where do I start.. humm… anybody got a party?.. let me know… huhuuu… dis wikend gonna be niceeee…. Yeah.. nice… got thing to do.. things to plan.. n one of my bestie bday falls on dis wikend.. humm.. im feelin better dis morning.. way more better... huhuuu... starting to feel home sick now... arghhh!!... i missed homeee!!!... so, comin back to reality... its gonna be funn!!!!.......

mi casa...

illusion never change into sumthin real...

Illusions never came true… so, there u go… I’ve prove it… so, im coming back to reality… the thing ive used to call love, is an illusion… from the first sign of the illusion, till the end of it… but its worth though… da time that ive spent was worth it.. worth to know how life really works.. humm.. well… its rough… people can say they love u easily, but its rough to know dat its not true… a lie!!.. na daa!!! like ive said…everybody lies… kn?.. 4 their own good… yeah rite!!!!... cumonnnnnnn!!!!!... arghh!!!.. so, dun belive in love.. I dun think it even exist!!... so, there u go… that was my wikend… spent just to know how rough was life supposed to be… n how life is full of lies… n sumtimes, im sick of it!!..