Wednesday, May 6, 2009

illusions... please come back....

Illusions.. they’re really beautiful isn’t it?... everything seems rite… but then… u’ll have to come back to reality.. I have to admit dat im gonna miss da time of my illusions…. But… tasha kene pandang depan… biar ape yg trjadi sbelum nie menjadi pengajaran ntok mase dpan… people learn from mistake… n nobody is perfect… okeyhhhhhh… so, smalam balek kije jerr tasha calm myself… dok dlm bilik.. dgr lagu… thingking… wat did I do wrong?... ape slh tasha?... nape jadi mcm nie…tasha ingat life tasha akan brubah bile smpai kat tempat baru… tp… cam same jerrr… tot wanna keep it low… but.. arghh!!!... my life starts to sux again.. I need a change… well, dats wat I did before… whenever ive screwed up, I will make changes to myself.. personality.. da way I think… anything… as long as there is a change in me… I like to meet new peoples… recently ive met some… since im movin into a new place… duhh.. huhuu… bout yesterday, my officemate was really supportive… im really thanxfull ive met them really… thanx guys!!!.. love u guys n girls sooo much!!!... huhuu.. so, I have to plan ahead for my wikends.. my parents is coming to town… so, better keep them busy busy!!... huuu… last nite Ive start reading baby proof… it was fun… bout how a girl named Claudia, dat really dun wanna hv kids searching for men in common interest… of not having baby.. hehehhh.. she had a hard time finding one till she met Ben, an architect.. stakat ni tasha baru jerr bace till dorang get married.. living a happy life..n… haa!!!... ben tetibe nak baby pulak… ben tringin nak ade baby lepas tgk bestie dier, annie pregnant…. Huhuuu… menarik citer nih… nanti tasha update lagi kesudahan nyerr ekk… hehehhh.. hope hari nie akan berlalu dgn baik.. I really hope so… its already been tuff…humm… illusions… I really miss it…

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