Wednesday, May 27, 2009

lambat nyeee....

hummm... ari nie sha x dpt nak pk topik yg bez ntok d share.... huu... tp mase ari nie brlalu dgn lmbat nyeee.....ape ekk nak cite ari mie... mmm.. pk jap... jappp... jappp... erkk... x de story aaa.... huhuuuu... so... sha juz bwat cam sha bwat slalu la...
sha seorang yg... : part 3
Steady people desire to keep their environment from changing. They have a consistent work performance. They accommodate others. They get along well with others because they are flexible in their attitude. They may not say anything if they disagree just to keep peace, however they seem to find a way to get what they want. They are moderate and controlled. They are modest. They like to help others, make good counselors and are great listeners. They can speak on an intellectual level and prefer quiet discussions with one or two people. They build close relationships with a small group of friends. They like to maintain familiar and predictable patterns. They are consistent in accomplishing work. If they receive appreciation, they maintain a high level of performance. They may need help when starting a new project. They like to feel comfortable with anything new before actually starting it. They enjoy something in writing so they can refer to it. They ask, they don't tell. They want answers to their "HOW" and "WHEN" questions.
you tend to go with the flow and alot of ppl admire about that, u easily make friends and can keep them without discomfort. your very loyal and honest and if something doesnt suit you, you get over it easily. Laid back is the way you like to live!

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